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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 03/12/07
March 13th, 2007

Selectmen Meeting Minutes of March 12th, 2007

Present: M. Genest, R. Haggett, B. Pratt, W. Prokop, S. Harding, R. Holmes, R. Wood, S. Young.

1. The selectmen approved the minutes of the meeting of March 5th.

2. The selectmen met with Recreation Land Committee to discuss upcoming meeting. the     committee advised the selectmen that they have made contact with Jennifer Carpenter, Trustee for the Gould Trust, owner of the land on West Street that the commission and the selectmen have been trying to purchase. They as a committee now feel that this is the ideal location and that there is a possibility that an arrangement to purchase may still be possible. Therefore, the committee is asking the selectmen to reconsider Article 5 and to consider leaving the reserve as it is. The selectmen will consider it and will discuss the proper steps with Town Counsel. The committee will be advised by the selectmen as soon as possible.

3. The selectmen discussed the plans for Town Meeting and agreed as to who would speak to each article.

4. The Town Administrator provided the selectmen with the following information:        a. Town was contacted by NH Dept. of Environment, Michael O’Brien –to advise    the Town of a complaint that was made by Ms. Shelly Nelkens, regarding an       upcoming project that she is concerned that the contractors may not be required to      follow the State Emissions Laws and is concerned about the health affects on the        workers if they are required to work during hot and/or humid weather.

b. The Town was advised that we have been approved by the NH DOT Bridge Division that the White Point Bridge Project has been approved, Project #14846, and is approved as a current year project. The funding approved is:
        1. Pre-engineering =$76,999.00
        2. Right of Way     =$  1,000.00
        3. Construction    =$485,478.00
        4. Construction Engineering =$22,940.00
        5. Total =$586,417.00
The Town’s share was set aside at the 2006 Town Meeting, 0 additional funds will be required from the Town. We will immediately start the permitting and bidding process through Quantum Construction Consultants, LLC.

c. The Town was advised by NH DOT Bridge Division, that the Town’s request for funding for the following bridges has been approved:
        1. Old North Branch Bridge
        2. Depot Street Relief Bridge
        3. Craig Road Bridge
These are in addition to the Depot Street Arch, and we are still waiting final approval on the North Main Street Bridge. If appropriations are approved at Town Meeting, we will then be advised of the year in which each bridge would be scheduled for construction.

d. A letter from M. Chauncey re: concerns of damage to his signs and he wants the Town to offer a reward. He also has concerns regarding speed limit signs on Smith Road that have been taken down. The selectmen approved a letter that is being sent to M. Chauncey addressing his concerns.

e. The selectmen were advised of the insurance settlement with Walter and Barbara Neff that was finalized last week by the insurance company representing the Town and Landsite Corporation and Lyman Construction. This case was settled by the insurance company based on the cost of litigation vs. the cost of settlement. The Town and the contractors all felt that this should have gone to court based on the merit of the claim, but the insurance company made the decision to settle.

f. The Selectmen approved the Hazardous Mitigation Update to our current Plan.

g. The Selectmen approved the new Building Inspection fees.

5. The selectmen approved the A/P and payroll for the week.